Apache Jena implementation of RDF Binary

RDF Thrift has been incorporated into Apache Jena, from version 2.12.1.

Comand line

The riot command has an output format argument:

riot --out=TRDF data.nt > data.trdf

Graphs and Datasets

Use RDFDataMgr operations.

Read a graph:

Model m = RDFDataMgr.loadModel("data.trdf") ;

Write a model:

RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, m, Lang.RDFTHRIFT) ;

and other RDFDataMgr operations.

Reading using RDFDataMgr is preferred. model.read operations may not detect the file syntax.

SPARQL Result Sets

ResultSet resultSet =  ResultSetMgr.read(inputStream, ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetThrift) ;

ResultSetMgr.write(outputStream, resultSet,  ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetThrift) ;


If you want to access the code for the Thrift encoding, see the classes:

  • BinRDF – the read and write operations.
  • ThriftConvert – conversion to and from Thrift datastructures.
  • TRDF – support code for handling Thrift I/O (e.g. TProtocol).