Extending SHACL to RDF Datasets
Andy Seaborne
SHACL defines a set of validation conditions in a Shapes Graph. These are used to validate an RDF Graph to produce a validation report.
This note describes applying the SHACL Shapes Constraint Language to RDF Datasets.
Validation of a RDF Datasets is performed by associating a target graph with each shape in a “Shapes Dataset”. The target graph can be specified on each shape but can also be written to apply to groups of shapes.
Shapes graphs can be reused so that the same set of shapes is used to validate multiple graphs in the dataset. The shapes to used for a dataset are contained in a “Shapes Dataset”, a collection of shapes graphs and which defines the shapes to be applied to an RDF datasets with different sets of shapes for different graphs in the dataset and sharing of shapes between different target graphs.
The declaration
prefix shx: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl-x#>
is assumed in the definitions.
Target Graphs
defines graphs to apply a shape to.
The property can be repeated.
Example: a shape that is scoped to data graph data:namedGraph1
shx:targetGraph data:namedGraph1 ;
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
Certain URIs define a collection of graphs in the target dataset. The shape applies to each of the graphs as the data graph.
URI | Graphs |
shx:all |
All the graphs (named and default) of the data dataset. |
shx:named |
All the named graphs of the data dataset. |
shx:default |
The default graph of the data dataset. |
shx:union |
The union graph formed from all named graphs of the data dataset. |
The subject of the shx:targetGraph
triple defines the scope - it can be a
specific shape, a named graph of the shapes dataset or the whole shapes
dataset (when the subject is the URI of the shapes dataset).
# Shapes Named graph
<#gn1> shx:targetGraph data:namedGraph1 .
GRAPH <#gn1> {
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
# Shapes Dataset
# All shapes in the shape dataset apply to all graphs in the data dataset.
<> shx:targetGraph shx:all .
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
Validating with a target of shx:union
is performed on the union of the named
graph so the triples used to fulfil a shape may be in different graph. For
example, if a shape defines a number of required properties ("sh:minCount 1
these may be in different named graphs, but if present in the union graph,
validating suceeds.
defines graphs to be excluded from the target graphs.
This target condition is applied after calculating the included target graphs
for a shape.
URI | Definition |
shx:targetGraph |
Property identifying a data graph to target |
shx:targetGraphExclude |
Property identifying a data graph to exclude as a target |
Validation Reports
Each validation result in a validation report should have a shx:resultGraph
triple whose object is the graph in which the validation report occurs. It is
the shape’s shx:targetGraph
if that is given, the graph name matching
or the specific named graph of the data dataset in
the case of shx:named
or shx:all
URI | Definition |
shx:resultGraph |
Data graph that caused the validation result |
Grouping Shapes
The graphs of the shapes dataset can be used to group shapes. If a
triple has a graph name as subject, then the target rule is
applied as the default rule for all shapes in that shapes graph. The shape graph
graph name does not need to correspond to any graph in the data to be validated.
The shx:targetGraph
can be in the default graph of the shapes datset or in
a named graph. These two examples achive the same effect.
<#g> shx:targetGraph data:graphName .
GRAPH <#g> {
... any shapes in graph <#g> will have the targetGraph scope above ...
GRAPH <#g> {
<#g> shx:targetGraph data:graphName .
... any shapes in graph <#g> will have the targetGraph scope above ...
The grouping rules applies to shx:targetGraphExclude
as well.
Sharing Common Shapes Patterns
The property shx:include
can be used to include triples from another named
graph of the shapes dataset. A typical use is to include shapes from another
graph which does not have a shx:targetGraph
, using it like a includes
If the subject is the URI of the shapes dataset, the inclusion is into declaration applies to the whole dataet (all shapes graphs), otherwise it is to the named graph of the subject of the triple.
It is similar to owl:imports
except the inclusion is named by the subject and
only applies to including graphs within the shapes dataset.
is applied transitively.
Examples are written in TriG.
Assumed prefixes:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>
PREFIX shx: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl-x#>
PREFIX data: <http:/example/data/>
PREFIX s: <http:/example/shapes/>
PREFIX ns <http:/example/ns#>
Apply all shapes to all graphs in the data.
<> shx:targetGraph shx:all .
shx:targetGraph data:namedGraph1 ;
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
All shapes applied to a specific named graph.
<> shx:targetGraph data:namedGraph1 .
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:p ;
sh:datatype xsd:subject ;
A collection of shapes for one graph.
GRAPH <#g1> {
<#g1> shx:targetGraph data:namedGraph1 .
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer .
sh:targetObjectsOf ns:q ;
sh:class ns:class .
Apply to all graphs except data:namedGraph1
<> shx:targetGraph data:all ;
shx:targetGraphExclude data:namedGraph1 .
Possible additions
Graph name patterns
For targets, a regular expression to filter the data dataset graph names based on URIs:
[] shx:targetGraphPattern "http://example/.*/shapes" .
[] shx:targetGraphPattern ("http://example/shapes/set-\\d{1,4}" . "i") .
Similarly shx:targetGraphExcludePattern
Dataset-level constraints
Constraints on graphs and graph names (e.g. URI pattern of gah names).
These can be done by escaping to SPARQL and a global constraint but if there are some common constraints, then including a direct form would be useful.